Can someone recommend a dirt cheap replacement phone for dashing?
Hey, y'all. I've been doing this for about 6 weeks and have lately stepped up my hours because I really need the extra money. After using my phone light to find a house in an unlit neighborhood, my phone died while I was trying to take the delivery picture. I swapped car chargers to one that supposedly was better than the one I was using but only had one USB port, and it seemed to only be plugged in for a few minutes and it was already at 100%. Then I noticed there was smoke. It was coming from the charging port. I pulled the cable out and a little flame came out. It wasn't charging.
When I got home, I used cotton swabs, a toothbrush, compressed air, everything to try to clean out the port, and I did get some soot removed. I was relieved to hear the docking sound, and I eventually got up to 74%, but now nothing is happening. If I can't keep working, I am dead. I need a new phone first thing in the morning.
I was using a Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge, a phone from 8 years ago. These have the swollen battery issue, and even the replacement one I bought had the same problem. Some people's even caught fire.
If you're using a cheapee phone to dash with, tell me about it, the specs, where you got it, its reliability, etc. Obviously, it needs to run the Dasher app without being too unstable, take pictures, send and receive calls and texts consistently. Gaming performance and storage space isn't horribly necessary, but it needs to be usable for typical needs. I heard Walmart has cheap phones, but I don't know how viable those are. I really can't afford to spend very much money right now. I applied for an Assurance Wireless free phone again, but I have my doubts they'll approve my application, and there's no way I can pick up a phone and be ready to go right away.