My Sony 1954q cant handle bright flashes.
This is a rare occurrence, that doesnt happen during normal use. I noticed it in a few games where a bright flash would make the image screwed up for a brief second.
The caps seem to look good, but I'm obviously going to do a whole recap to all my electronics soon.
All my knobs on the front which include brightness and contrast have a 12 oclock position that kind of "locks" into place when positioned there. I assume thats the "standard/normal" position. Thats where I leave them. (Except aperture I have it turned all the way down) However, the bright flashes causing the issue will still happen at this position.
For now I will experiment with lowering the knobs to a position that might alleviate the issue.
What are some possible fixes for this? A recap will definitely be done. Is lowering the knobs right now the best band-aid approach for now or should I lower the G2 voltage on the flyback?
Update: The issue has always been apparent when summoning Valefor in FFX (480i). But summoning him was a rare thing. Playing a different game in 240p I had multiple unexpected flashes cause the issue again. This made me want to adjust the knobs from their normal 12 o'clock position. I decided to boot up FFX and summon Valefor before adjusting the knobs. FFX (480i) is now somewhat darker than before and the issue is not occurring (I haven't adjusted the knobs). So has my 480i content been permenantly nerfed, because of the 240p flashes? 240p content hasn't been affected.