PSA on Service Dogs for Bloomington Residents
Just because your extremely aggro, unsocialized mutt sports one of these Amazon brand vests does not mean it is a medical/psychiatric service dog, and everyone with more than 6 brain cells can tell.
This dog was particularly I nsane and unfriendly at the public Switchyard dogpark this evening, and it's only fitting that she wore this outfit I guess lol. I see this ALL THE TIME with bloomington residents and it's only gotten worse.
I won't ask you what service your fake Service Dog performs bc I don't want to listen to you explain that you feel entitled to ADA privileges bc your pet provides you with emotional comfort.
Just because your extremely aggro, unsocialized mutt sports one of these Amazon brand vests does not mean it is a medical/psychiatric service dog, and everyone with more than 6 brain cells can tell.
This dog was particularly I nsane and unfriendly at the public Switchyard dogpark this evening, and it's only fitting that she wore this outfit I guess lol. I see this ALL THE TIME with bloomington residents and it's only gotten worse.
I won't ask you what service your fake Service Dog performs bc I don't want to listen to you explain that you feel entitled to ADA privileges bc your pet provides you with emotional comfort.