Is my behavior my fault??

I was thinking about a talk I was having with a friend the other day trying to explain my hypomanic episodes and what I did during them in the past and they started going on about how I can’t blame it on my bipolar.

Can’t I tho? I mean if I didn’t have bipolar I wouldn’t have made half the reckless decisions that I made during episodes. Bipolar is literally the cause of my episodes. So isn’t it to blame??

While I fully think taking the steps to getting better and working on my behavior and taking meds is my responsibility. I don’t think I’m to blame for what has happened during the episodes. Am I? Is it my fault? Am I just trying to shirk the blame to try and go easy on myself or find a way to live with it? I’d really appreciate some advice or encouragement or something. I can’t stop thinking abt it and I wonder if I’m just a bad person.