Autism safe jobs?
Today is my(20m) last day of being a dishwasher after a year. I hated it. The blinding lights. The constant buzzing, talking, n scrapping of the grill. The gross smelly food n it's textures. Coming home wet with cuts n cracks all over my hands. They knew I hated it, they've seen me have sensory shutdowns and meltdowns multiple times, so they fired me. The problems is, that's how I describe all my job experiences. Just a long list of sensory tortures that I have to endure just for a paycheck. I've tried dog daycare, retail, donation attendant, prep cook, n now dishwasher. N they all end in me quitting or getting fired. I want a job that isn't going to be another sensory hell that burns me out. Google is no help. You put "autism" and "job" in the same sentence on Google. It thinks you want to work With autistic people (so like a counselor) Or it thinks you mean savant (so mathematics or science) I'm a high school dropout known for "not testing well" n taking extra long on all my assignments so I wouldn't describe myself as book smart. The only skill set I have is art, I can draw, I know how to use a sewing machine, n a lil sculpting n resin. But unless I have prior experience or a college degree proving it so that means nothing to an employer. Do ya'll got any job suggestions, or even training programs to widen my job search?