Why didn't they just eat Eren?

After rewatching the series, a thought popped into my head. People repeatedly kidnap Eren while in titan form, but they carry him away, rather than just eating him.

Wouldn't eating him be the fastest way to secure the coordinate?

Why did Annie run away with him, rather than just munching on him?

And when Reiner says "there's no one I'd like to have the coordinate less than Eren"... there's a solution to that? Just eat the lil' fucker? He was like right there several times?

Edit: Thank you for the cool discussion, people. I was worried I'd get hate for asking a stupid question, but so far it's only been interesting conversation. I'm working on a fanfic right now, got to the female titan scene and got softlocked, because I couldn't figure out the thinking behind Marleys plan. You guys helped me out a lot. Thanks 🫡