Dumbasses Guide to getting RA2 rewards
Alright so I'm bad at the game, I use meta, I watch Eckogen when I cant beat a stage, etc. However I have just cleared out the RA2 store and reaching the ending of the mode. So first off for some reason when I started playing my difficulty was maxed out which soured me permanently on the game mode. What you want to do first is turn it to peaceful as difficulty doesnt matter at all for points or story or really anything at all. Second, you want to get at least 2,000 wood and whatever base upgrade lets you make glowsticks. Once you have all that reach a checkpoint day, then make 1000 glowsticks, pass 2 days, get your points and load the day. At the end of the run I would gain 15,300 points.
Its that easy. You should however play the mode enough to unlock the first Wood quarry so you can passively gain wood and also build woodmakers at your base. I was able to get 2000 wood and beat the story on day 91.