Very late period after plan B

Hi! I just wanted to share my experience so someone can maybe help ease my anxiety about the whole thing. On December 6th-11th I experienced a very normal period, but December 13th I had unprotected sex. Very dumb decision I know. This might be tmi but the guy didn’t finish in me, or anything close. From what I remember he pulled out a bit before he even finished. I took a plan b around 30 minutes after just to make sure nothing would happen. On December 18th-22nd I experienced what I thought was just another period or side effect from the plan b. The blood was very dark but it was enough to wear a normal size pad, and even put a tampon in. However, I did find this very weird since I had never experienced two periods in the same month, especially not that close. Now it’s January 22nd and I still no period. I’ve been counting it late since the 2nd “period” which would make me a week late. Or even longer if you count it from the first.

For some extra details, I have experienced no type of symptoms, the most has been bloating (but honestly I think a big part of that is me exaggerating it because of how nervous I am) I also experienced slight cramping and very stretchy clear discharge on January 10th, which I thought might’ve been me ovulating but I think I would’ve gotten my period by now if that was the case. Also my periods aren’t irregular, the most irregular part about them might be them being 3 days off at most from when the app says it’ll come. This was also my first time ever taking a plan b. I know unprotected sex was a very dumb decision from my part. I just recently turned 18. This is only the 4th time I’ve ever even had sex. Which just adds more to the stress I’m having over it. If someone has ever experienced anything like this please let me know. Thank you!!