Amiga CD32 emulation on retroarch in app saves laggy/unplayable

Serialized save states amiga cd32 game is laggy

Retroarch on ios.

Commodore Amiga PUAE core.

Emulating Commodore amiga CD32 console.

Game runs fine when initially launched, after saving via retroarch save menu i load the save state and the game is laggy and unplayable ~5 second+ delay for touchscreen/external controller input.

Core save type is serialized. Game title is Fears. I dont see in game save options. (The button on the paddle diagram marked "quit game" doesnt have a touch screen equivalent (eg start button does nothing)

Is there a setting i need to change after loading the in-app save state to eliminate the lag for this core?

I know nothing about save state types or their differences. A Google search was confusing af.

Hoping someone here has some insight on serialized/deterministic save states, and if theres an amaiga core option i can change/tweak to get my in app saves working correctly.

Any info appreciated apologies for the long post