Has there been any recent new analysis videos on proving any of Bob Lazar's claims?
It's been a few years since I last looked into this.
For me, Bob's story was the one I always wanted to be true. I loved the lore of it.
The last time I looked into Lazar was around 2023ish, and the analysis in these videos I've seen on YT was top-notch and shows that Lazar (along with his known associates - i.e. Lear, Corbell, Knapp) are most likely full of shit and did all this to make a profit. I don't really believe anything Lazar claims tbh, the evidence against him is pretty substantial.
That being said, it's been a few years now, and I haven't looked into the topic. Have there been any recent videos confirming any of what Lazar said to be true? Like smoking gun evidence or anything?
Again, this has always been one of those stories I love the lore of, and from time to time, I dig back into the topic, hoping something will show up.