I know I need protein, but from where? advice please :(
Hey ladies,
I’m struggling at the moment. I’m finding my meds don’t really do much, and everything I’m seeing online is telling me I need protein. My only issue is that I have pretty bad sensory issues with food. I can’t eat pretty much any meat, because the texture freaks me out sooooo bad. I’ll occasionally have a very small amount of meat (as in literally a few bites at most) but I have to cut it up so small and inspect it beforehand, it’s not a pleasant experience. I used to get most of my protein from eggs, but then they started to really freak me out too. Even as an omelette etc, I don’t know why they gross me out now as I have no issue with the taste or texture but I just cannot do it. I’ve tried looking into vegetarian options, but I just can’t seem to find one I think would be a reasonable long term protein fix for me. I hate tofu (again, texture). I don’t really have the time to cook different meals with beans etc in the morning, and i’m always too tired to cook a full meal in the evening (same with batch cooking, I wouldn’t find the time). I used to eat a lot of Quorn products, but I find in my area they’re quite expensive for the amount you get. I was taking my medication with protein shakes, but seriously it’s hell now. I never want to see a protein shake again. Please help! :(
TL;DR: I can’t find any protein I can regularly consume even though I really would benefit from it. I can’t stand meat or tofu, other vegetarian/vegan options are expensive in my area, and I basically am traumatised by the amount of protein shakes I’ve drank at this point.