Coding and Bookmarklets - Workflowy
I'm a huge fan of the rawbytz bookmarkets and indeed use sort a-z and find-replace every day.
I looked up the github code and put it through claude talkai to create a feature of sorting by date instead since this is how I currently use workflowy
This is the code
(function sortWF_4_0(maxChildren = 1000) {
function toastMsg(str, sec, err) {
WF.showMessage(str, err);
setTimeout(WF.hideMessage, (sec || 2) * 1000);
function sortAndMove(items, reverse) {
setTimeout(() => {
items.sort((a, b) => reverse ? b.getCreatedDate() - a.getCreatedDate() : a.getCreatedDate() - b.getCreatedDate());
WF.editGroup(() => {
items.forEach((item, i) => {
if (item.getPriority() !== i) WF.moveItems([item], parent, i);
// set focus to parent after sort
toastMsg(`Sorted ${reverse ? "Newest-Oldest." : "Oldest-Newest."}`, 1)
}, 50);
const htmlEscText = str => str.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/>/g, ">").replace(/</g, "<").replace(/"/g, """);
function showSortDialog(bodyHtml, title) {
const addButton = (num, name) => `<button type="button" class="btnX" id="btn${num.toString()}">${name}</button>`;
const style = '.btnX{font-size:18px;background-color:gray;border:2px solid;border-radius:20px;color:#fff;padding:5px 15px;margin-top:16px;margin-right:16px}.btnX:focus,.btnX:hover{border-color:#c4c4c4;background-color:steelblue}';
const buttons = addButton(1, "Oldest-Newest") + addButton(2, "Newest-Oldest");
WF.showAlertDialog(`<style>${htmlEscText(style)}</style><div>${bodyHtml}</div><div>${buttons}</div>`, title);
const intervalId = setInterval(function () {
let btn1 = document.getElementById("btn1");
if (btn1) {
const btn2 = document.getElementById("btn2");
btn1.onclick = function () { sortAndMove(children) };
btn2.onclick = function () { sortAndMove(children, true) };
}, 50);
if (WF.currentSearchQuery()) return void toastMsg("Sorting is disabled when search is active.", 3, true);
const parent = WF.currentItem();
if (parent.isReadOnly()) return void toastMsg("Parent is read only and cannot be sorted.", 3, true);
const children = parent.getChildren();
if (children.length < 2) return void toastMsg("Nothing to sort.", 3, true);
if (children.length > maxChildren) return void toastMsg(`Sorting more than ${maxChildren} children upsets the WorkFlowy gods, and has been disabled.`, 5, true);
const sortInfo = `Sort <b>${children.length}</b> children?`;
showSortDialog(sortInfo, parent.getNameInPlainText());
Will this work?