am i doing skinny fat right
So i (M20) am skinny fat low muscle tone and weight around 70kg-65kg. Im finding hard to lose it i keep hearing the whole cut and bulk but i dont want to become fat nor become skinny. Then i hear to clean bulk and eat protein which i am eating lots of protein i try to add meat or cheese to my foods and i avoid sugary stuff and only have little bits and make sure it's under 10g of sugar. I mostly eat fruit and veg. However i do go to the movie theatre a lot and eat popcorn medium to large depends on the run time and i have butter on my popcorn once a month i also do weights at home and in the gym which i am starting to build muscle on my arms. But im scared im putting on weight. Cause last week i was 65kg now im at 69kg is this right. I do have some stress and sleeping problems just cannot put my phone down and go to sleep and i can get easily stressed its really hard. Any tips i keep hearing about staying under set calories, going over or staying the same calories. IDK what to do