Tenno, How did YOU find out about Warframe?
I know this sounds like a survey question but hear me out, I enjoyed everyone's answers the last two times (about your favorite sound effects, and your WTF moments in-game) so I would love to know.
I can't be the only one who found the game by complete accident.
It was "The New War" update, and Warframe was on the Steam homepage. I looked at it saying "Free" and thought there must be a lie somewhere (terrible monetization, graphics not as advertised, etc.) so I downloaded it to find out.
Ended up being my favorite free to play game even though I could not convince anyone I know to try it.
So, the question is straightforward, how did you find out about it?
Edit: The number of founders who replied to this thread is surprising me. Y'all are great, still going strong 12 years later.