Anyone asked for a 4 day work week?

Interested to hear from people who have put in a flexible working arrangement request for a 4 day work week (not working longer hours on any days, just dropping a day) and how it went for them?

As far as my research has told me, the onus is now on the employer to prove your job cannot be done working 4 days, rather than how it previously was on the employee to prove it could be.

I want it purely for more personal time. I don’t have kids or family members in need, I would just like to work 4 days only.

I am a project manager, I know of a couple people within the wider team who work 4 days, unsure of their situation though as I’m fairly new to my role (5 months in). I don’t plan on asking for it yet, more in the discovery phase to see how other people have gone about it and their success rate. Want to prove myself valuable to the business for I’d say about a year before I put my request in.

Also a note to say I’d be fine with the pay cut to accommodate the 4 day work week.

Any thoughts or experiences are greatly appreciated!