Any other comrades struggle with depression etc.? And how do you deal with it?

I’m going back on the happy pills tomorrow (well it’s more I don’t care anymore pills), this will be my 4th slip back into it in the last decade, whoop!!! I know my work isn’t helping because boring repetitive bullshit (90% of my job currently) gives me time to dwell on the dark thoughts, but it pays the best for what I’m currently qualified for, and I need the money. I would try and do things outside of work but my toddler is extremely hard work. So anyone got any advice on how to deal with it, or any little pick me ups in general?

Ps. Why does the meat computer pick this episode to drag up stuff I really hate myself for, like how I hurt a friend back in high school, like come on brain it’s over a decade ago and it’s been 7 years since I managed to push that one down and hate myself less for it, why pull that one to the front of the Rolodex