Man I hate collecting Pokémon cards these days

I dunno if I’m allowed to really say this here but it really stinks collecting Pokémon cards, I buy mostly singles but there’s so many people like just social media wise who can’t just be chill collectors or are just collecting for the money.

Like all I wanna do is go into a store, pick up a card box, and leave but noooo everyone on social media has decided no one else is allowed boxes but them and go out their way to mass buy everything to either resell or just horde. Like and just with the money they spend they could easily afford the single or slab they want. And because of this all now local game stores are now hiking up the prices to where no one is buying them because £7 was an acceptable price in their eyes

It’s really the Costco situation that’s opened my eyes to this like I know it probably won’t happen but I hope stores start locking how many you can buy at one time because this behavior is just so miserable.