Passed! Write up and details

Scored 242. Repost! Editing post with adding some details at end for the messages I get and unable to reply to everyone so hopefully it helps others as well. I passed and just wanted to do a write up which I was lazy for but here it goes:

Uworld 90% done with 67% average. Studied for around 2 months. Did Micro notes back from Step 1 for bugs and since everyone said to do drugs so just went through First Aid (used for step 1). I also did Randy Neil (YouTube) for Biostats but only as a quick revision as I recently gave Step 2 so concepts were fresh. Also did some miscellaneous concepts like genetic inheritance, CYP and as well as Biochem just for the sake of it. CCS cases 60 HY; 68% avg

NBME 6 (522, 2 week out), NBME 7 (480, 10 days out) , Free 137 71% (4 days out)

Day of exams: day 1 felt weird and had couple of step 1 Qs with a lot of drug ads and ethics & biostats Day 2: Mainly step 2 material and felt relatively fun (lol). CCS didn’t annoy me

Other things I added: Amboss QI, Risk factors (DIP), Prognostics file. Oh I also went through vaccines. Another thing I did was Biochem and Immuno but superficially from my own notes of it which I made during step 1 phase.

I’ve also made notes for the exam which has most of the details you’ll encounter and to revise concepts regarding step 1 and step 2. These are for a small amount and if done properly, you’ll easily pass. Also made for CCS cases so send me a DM with your email If you’d like to see samples. Also offer guidelines on how to prepare as well as study schedules and have helped multiple aspirants so even if you just want guidance just me a message.