Launched My First Website: Summrize - Read Free Non-Fiction Book Summaries

Hey everyone! I know that a lot of people want to make more time for reading in their lives, but don't always have the time to do so. So I've created Summrize, an online platform for reading FREE non-fiction book summaries. For each book, I've condensed the most important concepts, quotes, actionable insights, frameworks and case studies, and presented them in a beautiful format. You can save the snippets that resonate the most with you, and share them on other platforms too!

We know there exist other similar platforms (Blinkist, Shortform), but my goal with Summrize is to make access to the knowledge free, because we believe in making the valuable knowledge that can help people change their lives accessible to everyone!

Please check out our website, and if the content is useful to you, please share with friends/family and consider joining our newsletter too for even more insights!