Has anyone had rib inflammation like this with axial PsA?
Hey y’all, I’ve been dealing with pain first in my right hip, and then in my left rib cage for about 2 years. Went to 20+ drs trying to figure it out. Recently my rib pain has gotten worse and it’s to the point where you can see it. When I suck in my stomach to see my ribs better my left rib is like wayyy out and just looks crazy inflamed. It’s painful all the time but flairs sometimes, and I can feel it in my spine sometimes too. Mostly my lower ribs. I went to a rheumatologist for the first time recently and going thru my family history (my sister has PsA, my dad has psoriasis) she put me on sulfasalazine saying I might have PsA or AS.
I’m not looking for a diagnosis, I’m working with my doctor on that and I just started taking the sulfasalazine so idk if it’s doing anything yet. I just have never seen anyone talk about rib inflammation like this for PsA so I was wondering if anyone has had something similar happen to them and if so what helped you?