Quitting porn IS worth it.
I had a crazy experience yesterday. I had only watched porn one other time this year which was earlier in the year and after that I said once it gets to September I could try to watch porn again since it takes 120 days to fully recover from an addiction. Yesterday I decided I would try to watch some porn again. It was disgusting. I couldn’t look at it. I tried to find something realistic or meaningful but I couldn’t. Everything was just so graphic. And keep in mind I used to be addicted and watched the most graphic intense porn you could think of. But yesterday it felt like I was looking at gore. I tried to enjoy it but I felt like I had to look away. I had never felt that way before. I thought porn was such a necessity for life and it cured my FOMO about sex but in reality porn is utterly useless and there’s no “good way” to watch it. During my recovery I learned how to get off without it and honestly if you can do that porn makes no difference. Make the change. You are brainwashed if you are addicted right now. Make the change.