How Christian Nationalists are influencing your Family
Its very evident from people like Lance Wallnau, Robert Jeffries, The Religious Right/Moral Majority, and other not so well known, but figures influencing streams of conservative Christianity, that they believe in this Dominion of all the major spheres of society.
Dominionists like those backing Project 2025 typically believe there are 7 major areas of society that need to be strategically conquered to redeem the culture - Government, Education, Business, Family, Religion, Entertainment, and Media.
But how are they going to influence Family? See a duck. See a duck fly with like ducks, they flock alike. So think like a duck.
Simply - Engineering through Social Policy and using the other spheres to influence the back to society and the conservative middle-class.
To do that you need to destroy the hookup culture and leftist policy first. But it doesn't stop there. The key ingredient is to get babies reproduced but they need to be raised in committed relationships with strong values. Benefits to couples become an incentive. Who doesn't want free money if you qualify?
You put pressure on non-conformists and keep them as economically miserable as possible, so that the only ones thriving in society are the ones with the traditional values. You make your values the norm, you use the Church for planned revival services to give the conversion experience, you make sin a taboo.
The non-conformists can expect to have their social circles influenced by a mere connection 2 or few away (the rule of 2 and 3) either through mutual or acquaintances.
You use your influence to project your values, sometimes even in very nice ways with some Christians to engage in 'friendship evangelism'. You'll get invited to come to church, love paraded, and given a gift basket on your first visit. But once you go against the values you are in opposition. Making friends becomes a tactic to them, its a strategy for the conversion of the culture. Not about you or who you are as a person.
You keep your family ties strong and multiplying while the non-conformists and their relationships become weakened.