the morning after you killed yourself (original work)
The morning after you killed yourself
Your room continues to lie as messy as before, your cat laying on your bed wondering where you went, waiting for you to come back. Your parents standing in the kitchen hesitant to read the letters you left them. The messages you sent your friends the night before, they wake up and read you texts of despair and missed calls you left. They read through in a panic and come to a realization, they call you but you do not pick up. In result they end up calling your parents asking if its true that you are dead. They can not fathom the fact them selves but they break they news. You are gone. Your friends are left in a puddle of hopelessness. Maybe if they did something different, answered your calls, you would still be alive.
3 weeks after you killed yourself
Your room still lies the same as before, as messy as you left it. Your cat wondering where you went, laying on your bed with the faint scent of you. Your parents still in despair, not wanting to believe that you are truly gone. Regretting everything they have said and done to you
Your friends blame themselves, missing you dearly. Just wishing they could have done something different, and then maybe you would still be here. That one random girl you would always pass on your daily walk from school, she starts to wonder where you have gone. The people you would play games with online start to wonder where you went.
1 year after you killed yourself
Your room still lies the same, still lies as messy as it was when you left this world. Your cat desperately meows by your window, waiting for u to come back. Your parents left in a state of depression with you gone. They want to believe you are still here, but reality has set in. your friends still miss you and feel so guilty. Wishing they did better. In the truth, none of this would have mattered because after all they are the reasons you left in the first place, they seemed to make everything so much worse than it was. They end up being the ones who caring the most, with or without realizing what they did to you.