Graduating into a terrible job market and freaking out. Soon to be a cognitive neuroscientist. Please give me any advice you have from your experiences, I could use it all. Thank you❤️
Hi all,
I’m a cognitive neuroscience PhD candidate at an R1 university working on computational models of cognition. I actually really enjoy research and still like the thought of being in academia, in spite of the downsides. But I’m also open to the right corporate opportunity based on fit. Having started my PhD in the US as an international student during the pandemic, I’m both socially and academically a bit burnt out five years in.
My partner, who was also a PhD student when I met him, faced a difficult post pandemic job market and had to take a job in Canada. I thought I would apply widely, but my partner can’t move back to the US immediately due to visa reasons, and the thought of an inter country long distance relationship for the next few years is stressing me out. Although I started my search in the US and Canada, I’m actually now leaning towards only applying to Canada
At this point, I’ve had a few initial interactions with some professors in Canada and the US I would be excited to do a postdoc with, and while they’ve all been very enthusiastic, they are largely unsure of their funding situations till at least February or March. I did graduate as an engineer before this, so I considered corporate jobs. Since I didn’t actively use AI methods in my research, I think securing a computational industry job will be a huge uphill battle, as a machine learning scientist or even a state scientist. UX research is another option, but I’m frankly not that interested in user experience.
I love research, and I love the academic lifestyle, but I’m worried I might have stretched my resources too thin. I see fellow academicians struggling with long distance relationships, low salaries and uncertain job prospects, in the name of science, and I wonder if my passion has faded or if I’m just not strong enough? I love the field I’m in, and it would feel sad to quit something I discovered I really enjoy, but maybe I just have to set some strong priorities? I’m a 29 year old woman, and other life considerations are stressing me out in my decisions - when will I have the bandwidth to have kids? I don’t even have the money to own a car at this point.
While this has turned into a long winded ramble, with not the clearest of questions to sign off with, I would really appreciate any thoughts you folks have on any of this. Making life decisions while prioritizing your love for research, tips for finding a fulfilling job in cognitive neuroscience, or in industry using cognitive neuroscience skills or anything you think might help. I really really appreciate your time reading through this. I’ve been feeling very alone in this. Thank you 🙏