Fucked up. Probably need some help with this

Long story short. My friend pushed me into doing steroids with him and I said fuck it and went through with it. I have 0 experience and knowledge prior to me looking all over the internet a couple days before I did my first shot. Never got blood tested or anything. I’m 28 years old. A little over weight but I work out and do sports here and there. I started doing Test Cyp 300mg a week. Doing 150mg on Mondays and Thursdays. Also doing Tren E 150mg a week. 75mg on Mondays and Thursdays. I’m on week 4. Have read a lot more online. Don’t think this is for me and what I should do at this point. I’ve lost 9 pounds which is nice and I do feel really good. I was thinking about coming off the Tren completely and sticking with just Test or should I come off of both. Where should I go from here? I realize a lot of people are gonna talk shit because I’m an idiot but I really need some help here