Did my message sound genuine?
Things got weird with this one guy I (26F) was seeing on/off and very casually (we weren't close or anything). In the last convo we had, I told him that I'm ready to have sex (we had only done oral, no PIV sex) and he said that he was going out of town that day because his father wasn't feeling well. I told him that I hope everything is okay (I genuinely meant this), he said thanks and that was that. But then the next day, I got scared if I liked him too much because that had already been my 3rd time messaging him that week and trying to meet up with him. I freaked out after and cleared my messages from our chat and blocked him.
I came back to my senses a week later and messaged him hello (he cleared his own messages too at this point, so maybe I was too late) but he did not reply, so after a few more days, I sent one last text saying "Idk if this is weird but I feel like I made the chat weird and I feel bad lmao but I got scared". He hasn't replied.. I was nervous about double texting and sending something too deep so I tried making it sound casual but honest. Does it come across as genuine?