The bar is raised for Silksong

I went into this game with the mindset that's it's going to give me my "hollow knight fix", being a huge fan of that game and waiting for Silksong.

What I discovered was a game beyond my expectations... No, no, this isn't a little distraction from Hollow Knight and Silksong this is a fucking masterpiece.

Silksong devs if you're reading this... I wanna preface that I KNOW making games is hard but man y'all kinda fucked up delaying it so much with very little information 😂

My standards for Silksong have doubled - no - tripled. It's going to be difficult to top Nine Sols and I'm certain many other fans eagerly awaiting Silksong will agree with me.

You better hope no one finds Nine Sols before they play Silksong lol. But also, I really really wish they do.