Nikon Extension Tubes: Cross-Generation Compatibility
I'm trying to work out a solution to film scanning and getting into the weeds a bit...
I shoot film with an old Nikkormat and mostly use the 55mm f/3.5 lens for day-to-day shooting.
I'm rigging together a means of scanning film using a D5300 that I have access to. I've created a film strip holder and a tube (kind of like a budget ES-2) and I've experimented with different lenses. The results were encouraging. Not super sharp, but decent. I'm looking to improve on this.
I'm considering how to use my old 55mm f/3.5 with a 27.5 extension tube on the D5300. I will then rework the tube/scanner setup to the correct length to frame properly etc.
Aside from getting better scans, an added bonus of this is that it also opens up macro photography when shooting with the Nikkormat.
The issue that I run into is that the lens is pre-ai, so will not mount safely on the D5300. PK-13 will, but does my pre-ai lens mount safely to that? What about PK-3? Or even M2?
I'm trying to do this as cheap as possible. If anyone knows of any third party rings that will do the job, I'm open to suggestions (UK based).
TLDR: I want an extension tube that is compatible with a modern-ai body and an ancient pre-ai lens.