Going crazy. 30 minute naps

Never had post partum rage but its creeping up. My LO will not go past a 30 minute nap. We've only ever had two 1.5hr naps his whole existence and I'm slowly going insane. He's 10 weeks old

Some naps are super easy and all I need to do is give him a dummy and walk away. Me being there seems to activate him.

Then other times, when he won't take the dummy snd I have to try over and over again until he does and then he knock it out as he likes to rub his face to sleep. Hates a swaddle though sometimes it works. Mostly in love to dream. I sometimes have to hold his feet down for a while so his body can fully relax.

Even after he's asleep it's last around 20-40 minutes and I'm slowly going insane. I know he's still tired, I know he would benefit from more sleep. And when he hasn't had enough he often crys when waking up which I feel is him being still tired.

I desperately want to link his cycles and I feel terrible that I haven't been able to help him do that.

Please, please sens any advice you have