I hate cosleeping
From the title this post is pretty obvious . I’m a FTM to a handsome 7month old baby boy , and we have been cosleeping since he was 6 weeks old . But honestly I never planned to cosleep and I feel like I was forced into it by his dad and other outside influences. Before we came I looked for cribs and bassinets and my partner said he wouldn’t use them ( he has 3 kids from a previous relationship ) , in turn this would lead to an argument of how sleep training works and how I want to raise our (MY) baby. Fast forward by son is born and luckily my neighbor gifted us a bedside bassinet. I used it and slept great until he was about 6 weeks old and hit his first sleep regression. I didn’t have a comfy chair to nurse or rock him back to sleep so we’d end up in the bed . I attempted to put him back in the bassinet after nursing but he’d wake back up every 20-30 minutes. Now , 6 months later here we are still cosleeping and I hate it . I hate it so much it makes me feel like a bad mom . I’m literally uncomfortable all night , can’t sleep because my back hurts or the baby is looking for my boob , my SO always sleeps through him being awake so I’m always solo and it makes me resent him to the point that sometimes , I get so mad and have the intrusive thought to punch him in his sleep . I’ve just began my first semester in school and not sleeping is kicking my ass.
Sorry for the long post , just needed to let that out & hope there might be mamas out there going thru the same or have any tips to transition .