I miss sitting down to read a book

I have type 1 narcolepsy (the one with cataplexy), and there are so many things I miss doing back when I was “normal.” Like sitting down to read a book…in its entirety. Or going on a two-hour drive to the next city just for fun. Or even going on a one-hour drive just for fun. Or even just thirty minutes in silence?? Staying up late with friends just to chit chat. Watching a movie. Or literally any TV show without having to rewind five times. Having a full night’s sleep. Laughing super hard without falling. Telling jokes without my head flopping over. Yawning without the impending doom of knowing I was about to lose consciousness in a few minutes, whether I wanted to or not.

I know it doesn’t help much to sulk over all the stuff I can’t do…but I was on a flight last night, and the girl sitting next to me was reading a popular fantasy romance novel (one of the 400 page ones), and she just sat for the whole flight reading…and it made me mourn the person I once was. 12-year-old me would definitely be wondering how many books I would’ve read by now…if we had our own library yet. If my dream of writing my own book came true yet. I’m just a lil sad…is anybody else still mourning their past selves?

What are some things you guys really miss that no one else might understand?