Hey all,

Just looking for some advice. I don’t know what advice but I’m just looking to see if anyone has experienced similar. My partner was taken in early for an unplanned c-section at 37 weeks + 1 due to preeclampsia. Long story short - ended up delayed by a day due to emergencies coming in. Little man was 6lb 5oz. So born at 9am at 37+2. Was ‘whinging’ for 3/4 hours. Seen by different paediatricians and at the 4 hour post-birth mark he was intubated as an emergency and moved to NICU immediately with suspected sepsis. Sats around the 84-89 mark for O2. Still awaiting results but still treating for sepsis blood culture tests at the moment. He is now 2 days & 15 hours old. Lumbar puncture done today to rule out meningitis. He allegedly isn’t showing any signs but want to rule this out.

Has anyone experience similar? They extubated within 20 hours as he was stabilising. He has remained on oxygen since around the 24% mark. Consultant stated she expects him to survive now and this is ‘highly likely’. Now the question comes around with long term issues. He isn’t showing any signs of neurological issues but I’m worried. Can any recommend any questions I should be asking or similar stories and prognosis? I’m out of my mind. First baby and what not. Scary times and I really admire the work they’re all doing to protect our little one.

Thank you for any advice etc