New mock draft simulator - feedback appreciated

I'm a lifelong Browns fan, so the draft is (sadly) the highlight of most seasons for me. A couple of weeks ago as a side project I started writing a mock draft simulator and would be very grateful for any feedback/suggestions/bug reports. You can find it at

I know there are a lot of simulators out there already, but all of them came up short for me. What I wanted was:

  • Smarter trades. On the simulators I've used trades are either paywalled or don't seem to be realistic. I've used the Rich Hill draft chart as a starting point and feel like the generated trades are reasonably accurate to what NFL teams actually offer, but would like to hear what others think.
  • Simple UI that still exposes a lot of functionality. I have the UI design skills of a two year-old so feedback is appreciated, but the goal is a simple UI that exposes advanced features like filtering, number of rounds, and pick speed without clutter. I know some people love, but all of the buttons on that site make me feel like a technician in the Chernobyl control room.
  • Reasonably intelligent autopicking. I've tried to strike a balance between pre-draft ranking, team needs, and randomness, but hearing from others with examples of when they feel the algorithm is accurate/inaccurate would be incredibly valuable. You can change the randomness and "draft for need" weightings (click on the "Settings" button), so if you want to only pick for need or increase the likelihood that the 50th ranked player gets picked in the top 15 you can do so.

In addition to any suggested features from Reddit, these are some enhancements that I'm thinking about:

  • More trades. Currently you can solicit and offer trades, but autodrafting teams won't make trades. I'd like to have other teams trade up and down occasionally.
  • Customizable pre-draft rankings & tagging. No one ever agrees on pre-draft rankings, so I'd like to allow them to be re-ordered before starting a mock draft. Similarly, I'd like to be able to tag favorite players so that (for example) if there are three players you are considering for your next pick that you can track them more easily.
  • More customization. I just added sliders to customize the randomness and "draft for need" settings on the selection algorithm (PFF offers this functionality but it's paywalled). Additionally, drafting for more than one team should be easy-ish to support if that's something people actually use (Do people do that? Personally I only ever pick for one team at a time). What other knobs do you want to be able to adjust in a mock simulator?
  • More player bios. I was using ChatGPT to generate player bios, heights and weights, and only realized that it was completely making things after updating stats with a bunch of 6'7" running backs and 190 pound tackles (I've since fixed all bad data). If anyone can suggest a reliable way to autogenerate accurate bios for the remaining players without violating any copyrights I would be grateful.
  • Saved settings. This feature will be tricky to implement given the technology choices I've made, and probably won't be something I work on unless the tool becomes popular, but it would be nice if your favorite team, preferred number of rounds, preferred players, etc were saved so that you don't need to update them every time you visit.

Thanks in advance for any feedback, suggested improvements or bug reports (including screenshots with bug reports is super helpful). If people find this simulator useful I'll continue to update it regularly, but it's still brand new so I'm curious to find out if I was the only one who was scratching my head every time offered me two firsts and a second to trade back from #2 to #3.