What about a Voice Mod in Battle Box??
I Just had an idea, that if MCC did a voice mod, in a game like Battle box, wouldn't it be perfect. Now i know, that it will not work the way i think it will, like eight people shouting in earshot, would be too much chaos, but what if they decrease the voice range, or maybe make like a thing that if you hit, somebody a no. of times you hear or speak to them, that would be soo much fun wouldn't it? it would make communication harder, between teammates, But there must be a way we can work around that, may be a toggle that can be triggered to speak to the opponent team. Like, Imagine how fun it would be if, Scar or skizz, went up to like Bdubs, And says "looks like the hammer just found a nail" Or just imagine, If Kathrine would be able to shout "just, killed a child feeling good" Or Joel maybe bring the banter live to FireBreathMan. IT WOULD BE HILARIOUS.
Now you guys can Roast me in the comment, for my stupid Idea XD