Trying to design a basic auto lava farm and I'm having trouble with the dispenser
This is on Java to preface
I'm this close 🤏 to figuring out an automated lava collect system using observers and dispensers
But upon my last test, instead of my dispenser activating the function of a bucket it simply pushed a bucket out into the lava filled cauldron
I checked the minecraft wiki and it's giving me conflicting evidence
According to Update 1.3.1: 12w21a: Dispensers can now use buckets to collect and dispense water and lava.
But according to the 5th paragraph under 'Usage': An empty bucket can be used to empty a cauldron with water or lava, filling the bucket with the fluid. This does not work with dispensers.
Is this a bug? Was this removed? Did someone who works on the wiki not double check the info?
Any help would be greatly appreciated 🙏
Edit: Added a picture of the setup