I may have been downplaying my symptoms
I (33M) have found out that I am testing positive for EBV and I'm quite sure it's linked to a COVID infection nearly 12 months ago. When I was first asked I said that I was symptom free but I'm starting to think that I am not.
I'm a kind of guy that gets on with life. I play the hand I'm dealt. If I wake up tired, I don't overthink it, I'm just tired today. This behaviour might have meant that I'm ignoring my symptoms.
I'm starting to think that waking up in tired after sleeping 12 hours isn't normal. I also have brain fog that I was perhaps dismissing as distraction or not paying enough attention.
Since being told that my EBV is being chronically reactivated I've certainly noticed that those symptoms which I was dismissing as personal flaws might actually be a medical problem.
I'm not sure what this post is for, other than perhaps to explain my situation for people who also dismiss problems as 'the human condition' or whatever. And also perhaps to find a community that might have answers. Should I see my GP? Is there a way to fix this?
Thanks x