I freeze at the worst possible times
I have put my instructor in dangerous situations today and I feel extremely guilty about it.
Context: I have done 7 hours of driving lessons before this one. I have done 5 hours in Huddersfield, later resumed lessons in Southampton. The 2 hours in Southampton was with my other instructor, so I was trying a new instructor in this lesson.
I apologise in advance for my terrible writing.
Situation #1
I booked a lesson today from 18 - 19:00 with my instructor and while driving in a street with parked cars on either sides, I pulled over at a empty spot to let the incoming car through.
Before pulling back onto the road, there was a car coming from behind. It stopped and waited patiently for me but I stalled the engine a few times. The car behind went ahead seeing I was wasn't moving. By the time I pulled back onto the road already another incoming car was approaching ( guessing it was also pulled over but seeing the other car come through - it went ahead thinking the road was clear).
There we were, two cars stopped in front of each other. My instructor suggested to pullover at the next empty spot, but the car ahead wouldn't move back just slightly for us to squeeze into the spot. My instructor was confused and called out to the other car to move his car back but he yelled that he won't. My instructor and the other driver got into a quick yelling exchange, explaining that I was a Learner and can't reverse yet so the their car should move. But there was no budge. I was frozen stiff this whole time. My instructor told me to let go of the pedals and he allowed the car to roll back while guiding me on the steering wheel. Eventually we were able to move back into our previous position allowing the car through.
Situation #2
We got into a cross intersection and stopped at the red light. Once it was lit green, I moved into the middle , letting incoming cars through. But when about to turn into the right road, I stalled again several times to which the battery died. The road perpendicular to us were about to turn green (or already has) and we were stuck in the middle. My instructor got out and pushed the car back into our road. Thankfully there was not cars behind us. Eventually my instructor had to take over and once we got the car running again (by pushing it back further?) we drove the rest of the way back to my home.
After each situation, my instructor was explaining to me where I went wrong, and gave a lot of info. All the whole reassuring me (I was petrified).
Overall, I feel extremely guilty of what just happened. The instructor was extremely patient and reacted quickly in this situations. But he was also surprised at what has occurred.
This wasn't the first time I froze in this kind of situations. In my previous lesson to this one, I froze when I almost took a wrong turn at a junction. My instructor said left, I mirrored and indicated left but for some reason I blanked and was going straight ahead. There were cars behind us and and instructor intervened.
From this experience, I wanted to ask; why do I just freeze when there is a sudden situation and think & act erratically in these cases even though I'm usually calm in daily life and studies?
How do you manage your nerves while driving in dangerous situations?
Is it bad that I try different instructors at this stage? Should just stick to one or can I alternate between different instructors?
Thank you for your time!!