~110 hours+ (17 months) of learning, thousands spent, and still feel nowhere near test-ready

As the title goes, I've had approximately 110 hours of learning (72.5 hours with a previous instructor, 21 hours with current instructor, 16.5 hours or so in my own car), but I still feel like I'm nowhere near passing.

I'm 20, and have been learning since August 2023, and in that time I've spent approximately £6.5k towards getting my licence: £3,002 on lessons £1500 buying my first car (was a lemon - I sold as spares and repairs for about £500) £995 buying my current car £112 for 4 theory tests The rest has been miscellaneous costs, such as insurance, tax, transport to tests, fuel, etc.

I already wanted to stop doing lessons a long time ago, because I felt like I'd have learned better if I did a driving course (a 40-50 hour one, preferably). However, whenever I try to raise the idea that I want to stop doing lessons (even temporarily), my family always tell me that I need to keep doing them, so I feel really pressured to carry on.

I'm not really sure if giving up is the best option, as I've already spent nearly double what I wanted to at this point. But I also just feel like I'm not making any actual progress. I've been told that I'm "close to booking my test now" since about October, but even so I really don't see myself actually being able to pass even accounting for the waiting time.

I would like the ability to drive, as it would be convenient (it goes without saying). It's also hard to look away from the fact It's cost me nearly 7 grand so far... But then again stopping now could also potentially save me another 7 grand?

I was hoping anyone here could maybe give some advice/ their own opinions on the matter? Happy to clarify anything - I'm genuinely just unsure as to what I should do/ where to go from here. Thanks for taking the time to read this :)