Baki is terrible....

I'd post this on r/Changemyview but most people won't know wtf I'm talking about or r/grapplerbaki but there's gonna be an avalanche of abuse. So try to change my view or agree with me on how much Baki sucks and pales in comparison to the Kengan series. Very underwhelming, Too many 1 dimensional characters whose names you won't even remember, especially in the great raitai tournament. Stale and boring fight choreography and animation with nothing to offer but the colourful "swooshes". Fighters talk too much during fights, and the main story of the series was a pointless love triangle for crying out loud. Supposedly strong characters getting finished within 2 hits. The fights just make no sense, bad dialogue too, felt like there wasn't a plot or goal, just on from one thing to the next, but that's just my review.