Are we doing this right? (Renting)

I currently live in a shared house with 2 other people, and will have to leave early next year. I'm moving in with my partner, and I've been trying to plan for this move in advance, to make sure I don't get too surprised by anything during the moving process.

I just wanted to double check I'm doing everything right. I don't make the craziest amount of money (1.4k a month after tax) and my partner is self employed (making about the same, but will potentially/probably be making closer to 2k a month by the time we move).

I understand that that's not super promising to a landlord, so my currently plan is -

-save enough for 6 months rent at £900 a month (I'm hoping it'll be less than that but that's the max we can realistically afford) -when applying to flats, offer 6 months rent up front, along with a guarantor

Last time I signed a rental agreement was 2 years ago, and I'm overly paranoid about being rejected for every rental property we look at due to my wages and my partners line of work. Do you think this would be enough for a landlord to give us the time of day?
