Quinn why are you doing this?
You already have a beachside music stage! You built it for that cranky lady to play her cello. Why do you need to build a new, second stage by the beach so that Sam’s “house band” can play? Quinn, stages are not single use items.
Quinn, my beautiful dumb child, house bands are supposed to play in the house. You have six rooms in your restaurant. They can play in any of them. If waterside music is a must, they can play by the pool.
And honestly? I’m not sure you need a house band, just like your restaurant didn’t need a gym and didn’t need a Ferris wheel and jet skis. You do not have very many customers. I’m convinced that Norman’s wife has Alzheimer’s and that’s why she keeps ordering scuba gear. Nobody could possibly lose that many life vests and oxygen tanks in a week. What are you gonna do if she gets put in a home or if Norman starts looking more carefully at their finances and realizes it’s all going to scuba gear from the local coffee shop? Best case scenario, you lose like a quarter of your income. There’s a decent chance Norman flat tries to murder you for this and you’ll be forced to merge his hands together. And then you’re down another customer! You’ll only have like four left and one of them literally owns her own coffee shop. You better hope Mark and Sam don’t go through a bad breakup because he’s not gonna come here any more if his ex is running the house band.
On second thought, never mind. Zita is bankrolling everything and is somehow even less responsible and even more successful than Quinn. Maybe next we can build a baseball stadium or an aquarium. Or a second gym?