Are some hollow creatures still alive?
So I was on Gears of War Wiki and decided to search up every hollow creature and see what happened to them after the countermeasure weapon. It seems to appear that nearly every hollow creature's fate seems to be unknown and if any of them had really died.
Do you think in the next Gears of War instalment following Kait Diaz and the next part in her story, we could see more of the old hollow creatures and how they evolved with the crystals overtime like how the Brumak turned into the Swarmak?
It would be really cool to see more of a variety of enemies from the swarm as right now, they're so boring and it really feels like your going against the same 4-5 enemies every few minutes.
The Locust had so much variety like the Grinders, Reavers, Corpsers, Hydras, Seeders, etc, and that's what made it fun and interesting to play against. The Swarm are boring and really need a full overhaul to make them fun to play against.