Family theory
So, just finished s3 and my head is boiling with theory's.
We know that Jade and Tabitha are the father and mother of Victor and Eloise. We also now know that the same person from different timelines can coexist (ie. Jade and Henry). And that both Jade and Tabitha (in wichever form) will always come back if they die (ie. Tabitha returning with the ambulance).
If we pull this further then Henry = Jade = Jim, Miranda = Tabitha. So Victor = Ethan (Seems logic since they bonded from day 1) and Eloise = Julie.
This seems to be the core plot ik the series, so it would'nt be to far fetched that this has something to do with the orgins of the town. And we know Tabitha and Jade (some previous form of them) offered their child to become immortal.
Cue the yellow man. Seems like he is a advanced form of the monsters (aka immortal, aka offered his child). So seems logical Yellow man = Henry = Jade = Jim. And what if (just a guess) the engel = Miranda = Tabitha = yellow mans wife.
Now for their children its a bit more of a guessing game. Intresting here is that Jim and Tabitha have 3 children: Ethan, Julie and Thomas. Thomas probably resembeling the one that was sacrifised. My guess for them is boy in white = Victor = Ethan (Victor and the boy seems attached, boy in white was the first thing Ethan saw). One of the death children = Eloise = Julie (probably the girl that approaches Tabitha the closest/most). Thomas = Smiley (?, idk about this one but smiley seems younger then the other monsters).
Some more guessing: the origin of the town has something to do with the the yellow man (when he was just a normal human) trying to become immortal and therefore sacrificing one of his children. The engel (their mother) wanting to save them got killed in the process. And is now in other forms (Tabitha, Miranda) trying to save them over and over again, fighting the yellow man in the process.