Is my coach being weird?

Hi, I’ve been skating for 1.5 years, landed my first proper axel and nearly landed a double sal this week. I skate in group classes since they’re all that’s available in my area on a regular basis (I do individual lessons with a different coach like 2x a month). Today the group coach said to split up into 2 groups: those who would be attempting/jumping doubles and those who weren’t. I decided to try my hand at the 2s, first she wouldn’t let me go at all, then she allowed me to go to the other group. But she never paid me any attention? There were 4 people in the doubles group, and when they would fail to land their jump, she would laugh with them etc. When I failed and just did a single sal, she came up to me and gave me an annoyed speech that if I decide to go for doubles, I should actually try to do them etc (mind you this was the 5th time in my life I had been attempting this jump) and just told me to bend my knees and left. In general she never comes up to me, doesn’t comment on my skills or how I’m doing a task she gives, only if I do something very wrong(she isn’t like this with others) She’ll look at me maybe 2 times in a session (10-15 people group), hasn’t bothered to ask me my name in the 8 months i’ve been at this club (she knows the names of my friends who joined 2 weeks ago). What is the issue? I pay for group lessons so I would like some actual feedback.. any advice?