Is this normal?😅

I had taken a 3 week break (against my will) and returned to a group lesson that was 30 minutes long. The horse I usually ride (the huge baby from my last post) was getting ridden by another person. And since said person recently started cantering and I’ve been cantering for a little while, I doubt they’ll let me ride her again so the other person gets used to it. Hence I was given another, shorter horse. Insane. She bucked and reared and just lost it. I fell off twice in the span of 15 minutes. The whole lesson, while trotting, she decided to take off into a canter every 2 seconds that I could control but her little jumps were so unexpected, especially when there are horses in-front of and behind you. Once I’d fall off her, she’d take off running whilst bucking and rearing like she just became free and swung her head around everywhere, charging towards anything and anyone. Worst thing: not only did I not get it on camera, but my trainer didn’t even see all she was doing and how many times I was actually able to control her because for once he was on a horse himself. So now, to him, I look like I have no idea what I’m doing and cannot control a horse. I’m not sure what to do.

I had taken a 3 week break (against my will) and returned to a group lesson that was 30 minutes long. The horse I usually ride (the huge baby from my last post) was getting ridden by another person. And since said person recently started cantering and I’ve been cantering for a little while, I doubt they’ll let me ride her again so the other person gets used to it. Hence I was given another, shorter horse. Insane. She bucked and reared and just lost it. I fell off twice in the span of 15 minutes. The whole lesson, while trotting, she decided to take off into a canter every 2 seconds that I could control but her little jumps were so unexpected, especially when there are horses in-front of and behind you. Once I’d fall off her, she’d take off running whilst bucking and rearing like she just became free and swung her head around everywhere, charging towards anything and anyone. Worst thing: not only did I not get it on camera, but my trainer didn’t even see all she was doing and how many times I was actually able to control her because for once he was on a horse himself. So now, to him, I look like I have no idea what I’m doing and cannot control a horse. I’m not sure what to do.