Entrepreneurship isn't for everyone. Plus don't quit your day job.

30 seconds of hard truth.

Entrepreneurship isn't for everyone. And it's not an easy path by any means.

Depression is real.

Earning zilch for years is real.

Failure is real.

Making money and then getting your funds frozen is real. (Fuck you paypal)

Alas, there's light at the end of the tunnel. (Could still be an oncoming train tho).

But the chance at freedom?

Super real!

But don't be jumping out the window quitting your day job or nothing silly like that. Not til you have something provably working and has been working for a while.

Matter of fact without my job I would have never become an entrepreneur. What little was left of my take home pay after I paid my bills was my first and only investor.

As always do whatever you want.

Just another perspective from someone that has gone through it.
