Bed adhesion and leveling issues?

Super new to printing, I got my N4Pro about a week and a half ago and the first week was great. No issues assembling and leveling right out of the box, first dozen prints came out great using PLA.

A family member asked me if I could print something for them and I scaled it up to be my first big print on my machine and since then I've been constantly releveling and cannot get any print to stick to the print bed.

I bought and switched to some Creality rainbow PLA+ for the print because it would look better than solid black. I tried a test print with a scaled down version and it worked, but my issues started when I scaled my print up to normal size.

After that I was able to print smaller objects but bigger prints would fail. Now everything I print fails within the first two layers or so.

As I said I've releveled in between tests for the last 3 days, changed filament, washed my print bed with warm soapy water and IPA, still no luck. What am I doing wrong?

Pictures attached for reference.