Is Electrical Engineering for me?
Hey there guys, I'm on my second semester of Senior High (Cheers!) and finally graduating for 3 more months or so, i still have no idea what courses i wanna do for college. I still haven't figured it out. Since I liked Math i choose STEM as a strand during my Senior High years and opt to just let future me(today me) to figure out what course I'm gonna do when college comes. It just feel surreal for me that I'm already going to college
So right now I'm asking or atleast getting some information from you guys with real experience and job to get some sort of interest... Especially since my parents, sister, and brothers are just basically hinting at me to become an EE since they heard it "pays well".
So what does an EE guy actually do?
Since my only interest is probably math and i find building both hardware and software stuff kinda cool. Does being an EE best for me? Or does it align with my current interest as of now?