Oliver Area downfall

I have lived in Oliver for 4 years now. It breaks my heart to say this, but I think it is becoming unsafe. We live by Paul kane Park, an idealic city park tucked away from the main core. It's amazing in the summer to see all the people mill about and just relax at. However, I started noticing more and more homeless starting to use it. Sleeping, using drugs just kind of hanging around. Sounds stuck up, but this summer was the first time I really noticed it. This winter has been rough, we have had the multiple breakins,Damaged property, fights in our lobby etc. This never happened before.....

We live in a rather posh building as well but unfortunately I feel the safety and security of it is stuck in times past.

We live on the ground floor and for the first time, I am afraid to leave my family home without me.

The LRT being built out west on 104 (finished 100yrs from now) I fear will only cause an increase of unsavory individuals in the area.

Anyone else in the area feel the same?