Survivorship Bias and Toxic Mom Culture
The sheer amount of people in the comments of the half birthday photoshoot telling on themselves about feeding their children cake, sugar, or sweets from as early as 2 months old and saying that “mY bABY iS juST fiNE,” is honestly alarming. This type of behavior speaks to a broader issue seen in social media-era parenting, which is an inability to understand or be receptive to criticism or advice, performative parenting, and this incessant need to have a picture-perfect child and be the mom of all moms. There’s an alarming trend of influencers whose content centers on their kid(s), especially the younger ones, with their babies being significantly developmentally delayed and coincides with either: not having regular pediatric visits, being in a container, rushing milestones, lying about milestones, refusal to address cognitive or motor delays, lack of age-appropriate toys, excessive screen time, constantly in overfilled diapers, little independent or interactive playtime, and flatheads. Then if any of these things are pointed out, it’s met with “mom shaming” sentiments, deflection, or in Drueby’s case, just blocking people. This toxic behavior that these people are exempt from any kind of criticism and should ONLY receive positive comments to assuage their delusions of being mom of the year and that their babies are these superhuman, perfect specimens is the reason why these children continue to be exploited and be significantly developmentally delayed and it’s truly sad to see. These babies deserve better and Drue shouldn’t be ashamed of herself for lying about Frosted Mini White’s milestones when it’s very evident she has hit NONE of them.